Friday, October 23, 2020

Homemade Luncheon Meat

Homemade Luncheon Meat 
Lio Pheikhean 

SIZE: 1 small rectangular loaf 

800g minced pork (more fats, better) 
2 teaspoons soy sauce 
2 teaspoons oyster sauce 
1 teaspoon sesame oil 
1 teaspoon salt 
1 teaspoon mushroom powder 
1 chicken stock cube 
4 tablespoons tapioca starch
2 eggs 
6 tablespoons water 

  1. Mix up everything in a food processor till it looks gluey and sticky. 
  2. Apply a layer of cooking oil in baking tin. 
  3. Pour in the meat mixture and press with the back of spoon. 
  4. Steam at medium fire for approximately 30-35 minutes till cooked. 
  5. Wait till completely cool then remove from the tin. 
  6. Slice and fry as desired. 

SIZE: one 8" square tin 
1.2kg minced pork (more fats, better) 
3 teaspoons soy sauce 
3 teaspoons oyster sauce 
1 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 
3 teaspoons mushroom powder 
6 tablespoons tapioca starch
3 eggs 
12 tablespoons water 
5 to 6 teaspoons salted egg white 

*** If you are not using chicken stock at all 
This recipe is salty enough when use 6 teaspoons salted egg white. Tastes slightly less salty than canned luncheon meat saltiness. 

I've a lot of egg whites reserve because previously when I made moooncakes, I kept them. 

My food processor however finds it a little hard to process 1.2kg meat at one go. 

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