XO Sauce
Taken recipe from: https://youtu.be/_bpuhTtAPpU
SERVING : Approximately 2kg sauce
- 375g dried scallops
- 250g Jin Hua Chinese ham
- 125g dried shrimps
- 5 tablespoons dried chili flakes (I included 1 to 2 tablespoons to 1/3 of the sauce in the end)
- 2 1/2 bulb of garlic
- 625g onion/shallot (approximately 4 1/2 onions)
- 15 tablespoons cooking wine
- 13 tablespoons oyster sauce
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 1/2 tablespoons sugar
- 1 tablespoon black pepper powder
- 1000 - 1250g cooking oil
- Wash and rinse scallops, dried shrimps and Chinese ham.
- Soak the dried scallops and shrimps for 1 hour / until soften.
- Cut Chinese ham to smaller pieces.
- Steam dried scallops and Chinese ham for 15 minutes.
- Mince dried shrimps, Chinese ham, dried scallops, onion and garlic with food processor, one by one, put aside.
- Heat up a wok of oil till 50% hot. Medium fire. Pour in dried scallops first. Fry for 5 to 10 minutes, add in Chinese ham and dried shrimps. Continue frying till golden brown.
- Take out the 3 fried ingredients earlier and put in a pan on another stove.
- Add in the seasonings except chili and black pepper, to the pan and cook it with low fire.
- While the initial frying wok still has hot oil, add in the garlic and onion. Fry till golden brown fragrant.
- Add all the ingredients together. Now it's time to add the chili flakes and black pepper. I divided 1/3 for spicy and 2/3 non spicy.
- Remove from heat. Let cool completely. Store in containers. Make sure there's a layer of oil on top of the sauce to act as preservative and protecting layer.
- I leave it on counter top for 1 night and store in fridge the next day.
Chinese version from original maker:
- 干贝150g
- 金华火腿100g
- 海米50g
- 辣椒面2大勺(用干辣椒10个磨碎)
- 蒜头一整头
- 洋葱2个约250g
- 料酒6大勺
- 蚝油5大勺
- 生抽2大勺
- 糖一大勺
- 黑胡椒1-2大勺
- 植物油500ml
做法: 1. 干贝和海米分别洗净用清水加一勺料酒浸泡一个小时以上 2. 洋葱切成细丁,蒜头剁成蒜蓉待用 3. 将干贝和海米沥干水,干贝和火腿一起上锅蒸15分钟 4. 将海米切成碎末待用 5. 蒸过的干贝稍凉至不烫手后,拆成细丝。干贝和火腿蒸出的汤汁都留用 6. 蒸过的火腿切成薄片,再切碎,切到和海米碎差不多大小即可 7. 在锅里放入500ml油,烧至5成热,转中小火,将干贝丝倒进去 8. 保持中小火,5成热油温,炸约5分钟至干贝丝变成浅金黄色 9. 下海米碎和火腿碎,继续炸3-5分钟,至这三样食材都脱水,变成金黄色。捞出到另一口锅里待用 10. 保持油锅中小火加热,倒入洋葱碎,继续炸5分钟左右,至洋葱变黄 11. 另一个炉灶开小火,往捞出的干贝、海米和火腿中倒入4大勺料酒、2大勺生抽、5大勺蚝油、一大勺糖,和之前蒸干贝和火腿出的汤汁,拌匀后小火熬煮 12. 待洋葱炸至浅金黄色后,下蒜末,继续炸约7、8分钟,至洋葱碎和蒜末都焦黄即可关火 13. 将在一旁熬煮的干贝、海米和火腿倒回油锅中 14. 立刻加入辣椒碎和黑胡椒,拌匀即可 15. 待酱料稍凉后,转移至消毒过的瓶子中,至离瓶口一公分处停止,擦干净瓶口即可密封 16. 罐装好的XO酱在室温下放置3、5天再开瓶使用,开瓶后需要冷藏保存 Tips: 1. 在准备食材时,要尽量将各个食材切得大小一致,这样炸的时候才能熟成一致 2. 如果没有把握可以掌握好油温和食材下锅的时间顺序,可以将每一样食材都分别炸制,全程中小火,防止炸糊 3. 洋葱可以换成红葱头(Shallot)香味更强 4. 喜辣的可多放辣椒,按个人口味调整 5. 成品如果油量不够,可以再烧一点油,烧热后倒进去,保证所有食材被油浸没,这样可以延长保存时间 6. 做好的XO酱放置几天,等食材互相融合后味道更好 7. 开瓶后冷藏,每次取用时用干净的器具,可以保存至少1-2个月
Spicy 785 g
Total 2301 g
2.3 kg
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